Season 3 of “The Man In The High Castle” now streaming
Hey there, I’m thrilled to say the third season of our show “The Man In The High Castle” is streaming now on Amazon Prime. (I hear it’s doing pretty well!)

(on set, picture credit: director Nelson McCormick)
I’m in Vancouver working on Season Four and I am vastly impressed with the talent and dedication of everyone involved… cast, crew, designers, office staff… you name it, they’ve got it covered. Really blowing me away with their attention to detail and commitment to getting everything just right (great for an obsessive like me…) Plus we’re in Canada, so everyone is just so sweet. I’m loving it.
This series is timely now in ways not expected when it was conceived. It’s a fascinating exploration of what our American lives might look like under fascism. I love watching it to imagine what I would do under different circumstances. I think I’d be heroic… but then again… I wonder. These are the kinds of questions and stories we’re working on.

(director Nelson McCormick and I)
I’ve written Episode Two, which we’re shooting now, with Nelson McCormick directing; and I’ll be directing Episode Six, written by Lolis Elie.
Season Four will drop sometime next year. Meanwhile, check out Season Three!